The global microneedling market has quickly grown because people are becoming much more “skin care aware” and they are looking for minimally invasive, yet effective procedures.

So what is microneedling and why has it become so popular?

 Microneedling is a quick and low pain dermaroller, or dermapen procedure that uses a bunch of small needles to puncture the surface layer of the skin. 

Both the dermaroller and the dermapen procedure boost collagen production and strengthen the epidermis, but the main difference between the two is that the Dermapen is more modern and precise. It can treat the more sensitive and harder to reach areas such as around the eyes, upper lip and nose where the roller cannot reach it safely. 

What are the benefits?

  • Anti-Aging
    • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
    • Since the procedure stimulates elastin and collagen production, the skin becomes plumper and fine lines are visibly reduced
    • Effectively stops the early signs of aging
  • Evens Skin Tone
    • Diminishes acne scars and hyperpigmentation since it breaks down old tissue and prompts new healthy skin
    • Elevates the overall texture of your skin, resulting in soft and smooth skin
  • Minimizes Pores
    • The boost of collagen creates the appearance of smaller pores and tighter skin
  • Easier absorption of topical products and serums after treatment 

Tip: Preparing for Microneedling 


If you are using any intense topical treatments and retinoids, stop using them a couple of days before your treatment, and avoid direct sun exposure about 3 days before and 3 days after the treatment. Restrain from using makeup as well, for the 24 to 72 hours after the procedure.

And avoid exercising for the first 72 hours after microneedling since sweating can cause a reaction to your skin.

Post-Treatment Care

After the treatment, itchiness and slight redness may occur. 

To combat this, it is important to keep the skin hydrated in order to help heal the skin by soothing and lessening irritation. 

Tip: Velež Intense Hydration masks restore the skin back to perfect balance by hydrating the skin and visibly reducing redness, instantly. They are made with 95% water and no added ingredients or chemicals, making them perfectly suitable for post-microneedling skin. They will greatly help reduce downtime and have your skin feeling fresh and recovered in no time. 

Rinse the area only with water for the first 24 hours. After that, use a gentle cleanser to wash your face and gently dry the affected skin. 

Apply a chemical-free, SPF 25+ to your skin to protect your skin from sun damage and premature aging
